January 11, 2012

I took out my slightly better camera. The mid-day light was stronger.

Drive past the fireplug on Euclid to this short row of boulders

Standing at the east end of the row of boulders look for these locator rocks

The closest locator rock marks the Lomatium gromanii in bloom

The farther locator rock marks a Lomatium with a little better form - a little easier to photograph.

I was trying to photograph buds

I didn't see the Ranunculus glaberrimus foliage I saw on January first. I thought this was R. glaberrimus but the distinctive midrib suggests otherwise.

Last year's club moss

Looks like lily foliage. Probably escaped garden flower.

Locator view. The unknown plant is in the lower right corner. This is the south end of the high outcrop next to the west entrance of the park.